DebtSafe Blog

From Black Friday & Cyber Monday to FLAT BROKE TUESDAY

The biggest shopping phenomenon is just around the corner and, you better know  what you’re in for if you are considering to take part in the spending mania. Be aware that various retailers are after your and other consumers’ hard-earned money. You are probably already seeing the RED sale signs, but in many cases, you

Debt Stress – A Current Health Hazard for South African Consumers

Debt Stress – A Current Health Hazard for South African Consumers

South Africans know only too well how hectic life can be. Juggling various tasks at work, perhaps trying to hold the fort at home and making ends meet with more month to the end of their money. Think of the stress levels they experience on a daily basis. And, since finances play an important part

What Does A Debt Counsellor Do?

Due to a high unemployment rate, economic uncertainty and various unforeseen circumstances, South Africans are experiencing financial strain. Sounds familiar? If you had to rank your debt situation, in which of the four stages would you fall? The urgency of South Africans’ debt situation is further emphasized by the latest (March 2019) figures received from

The Damage of South Africans’ “Mindless-Swiping Culture”

Due to the fast pace exploitation of consumers’ shopping experiences and need for instant gratification, it is undeniable how easy it is for consumers to thoughtlessly swipe a store, credit, cheque or awards card these days. Many South Africans currently find themselves in this so-called “mindless-swiping culture” and it is doing more damage than good.

9 Grocery Shopping Hacks for Every Woman to Consider

It is evident that groceries are really expensive these days and it is, therefore, fair to help you and other women with a few hacks or tips when it comes to grocery shopping. It is National Women’s Month after all. In honour of you and other fabulous South African women, here are nine recommended ‘grocery

Four ‘Financial Self-Care’ Tips for Mid 20 to 40-Something Women

It is officially National Women’s Month and, therefore, significant that South Africans celebrate the accomplishments women achieve, and the ongoing progress they make in ALL walks of life. Various organisations, as well as individuals, commemorate South African women this August. And, DebtSafe would also like to share insightful statistics, ideas and tips for mid 20,

Make Room for Unique & ‘CrazywaystoSave’ Money (National Savings Month 2019)

July is indeed the month of savings awareness and this year’s #CrazywaystoSave theme is the ideal encourager to get you and other South Africans invested in creating your own financial freedom, and to, in the end, ensure your overall happiness. The DebtSafe team celebrates #NationalSavingsMonth and wants to highlight some recent statistics from DebtSafe’s FINANCIAL

OVER-INDEBTEDNESS: Erase This Debt-Laden Meaning & Reality from Your Life

Indebtedness can refer to you or someone that owes money (to say, creditors) and it is a concept widely recognised or perhaps in many cases – ‘best avoided’. According to the latest available figures from the National Credit Regulator (NCR), credit bureaus held records of 25.85 million credit-active consumers and a concerning 10.16 million of

What We as South Africans Searched for in the Last 10 Years

We are proud to announce that DebtSafe is celebrating its 10-year birthday this 2019. The team has assisted over 30 000 South African consumers to fix their debt. These days debt is a familiar term in many households and it can be described in one or quite a few words. Take a look at our
